The New Jersey pictures from 1966-67 appear in two albums, one for each year.
Click on the arrows to the side of each picture to scroll through the different yea.rly albums. Click on a cover picture to see a slide show for that year.
New Jersey 1967
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Sandy was born in May of 1967 and appears in many of these 1967 pictures.
Mom’s Aunt Yvonne (her mother’s younger sister) lived near us in New Jersey and she appears in two pictures with her husband Ray.
New Jersey 1966
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In the early spring of 1966, Dad was transferred to McGuire AFB in New Jersey. We moved the first week in April.
Susan was in 8th grade, Frank in 9th, Carolyn in 5th and Mike was in 1st.
Sandy would be born the following year, in May of 1967.
New Jersey 1967
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Sandy was born in May of 1967 and appears in many of these 1967 pictures.
Mom’s Aunt Yvonne (her mother’s younger sister) lived near us in New Jersey and she appears in two pictures with her husband Ray.
New Jersey 1966
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In the early spring of 1966, Dad was transferred to McGuire AFB in New Jersey. We moved the first week in April.
Susan was in 8th grade, Frank in 9th, Carolyn in 5th and Mike was in 1st.
Sandy would be born the following year, in May of 1967.